Amusement Park Accidents
In the United States, there are hundreds of amusement parks, theme parks, and water parks. Whether it is an indoor park or the larger out-doors version, amusement and theme parks have become a part of the ‘American way of life’. There are many attractions that draw the public, most particularly the younger crowds to amusement parks especially with all those exciting and ‘over the top’ rides.
Tragically, however, almost every year someone is always injured or worse, killed.
There are usually a number of factors that contribute to amusement park ride accidents. Whether it is defective or mechanical failure, poor maintenance or supervision off the rides or just consumer improper behavior, accidents occur when they could have been avoided.
In November 2010, a settlement of approximately US$3.4 million was awarded in the State of California to the injured victims for an accident in 2008 that left 23 people injured which included a number of minors. The California Department of Industrial Relations rendered that the ride, a ‘Yo-Yo Chair Ride’ was not properly maintained by the owner. The investigating attorneys’ also found that the manufacturer of the ride was aware of a defect in the design that had previously resulted in another mishap but they opted not to warn potential owners and operators to take the necessary measures to correct the problem.
As a result of this incident and all the facts coming to light, and with the assistance of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), mandatory safety requirements and now in place to ensure that proper maintenance and diligent inspection is carried out routinely.
Similarly, water park accidents happen due the same factors as with amusement park, but we can also include poor drainage systems, in-adequately trained lifeguards and scarcity/non- existence of the applicable safety paraphernalia to the list of contributing factor. These incidents however, usually result in a number of drowning.
Amusement and water parks liabilities are usually complex and involved; it must initially be determined under what category the injured may file a claim; whether it is a premises liability issue or product liability or tort liability (due to negligence) or simply a combination of all three.
The New York Personal Injury Attorneys’ at the Law Office of Aleksandr Vakarev Esq., have the experience and expertise to make that determination. They have successfully litigated many cases for victims of amusement and water park accidents.
With the help of a dedicated and aggressive New York Personal Injury Attorney at the Law Office ofAleksandr Vakarev Esq., we will determine whether your personal injury case has merit.
Our personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis so you only pay a fee if we recover money for you. Contact our experienced Attorneys today at the Law Office of Aleksandr Vakarev Esq., for a free consultation at 718-839-6885.
Contact info here.
Tragically, however, almost every year someone is always injured or worse, killed.
There are usually a number of factors that contribute to amusement park ride accidents. Whether it is defective or mechanical failure, poor maintenance or supervision off the rides or just consumer improper behavior, accidents occur when they could have been avoided.
In November 2010, a settlement of approximately US$3.4 million was awarded in the State of California to the injured victims for an accident in 2008 that left 23 people injured which included a number of minors. The California Department of Industrial Relations rendered that the ride, a ‘Yo-Yo Chair Ride’ was not properly maintained by the owner. The investigating attorneys’ also found that the manufacturer of the ride was aware of a defect in the design that had previously resulted in another mishap but they opted not to warn potential owners and operators to take the necessary measures to correct the problem.
As a result of this incident and all the facts coming to light, and with the assistance of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), mandatory safety requirements and now in place to ensure that proper maintenance and diligent inspection is carried out routinely.
Similarly, water park accidents happen due the same factors as with amusement park, but we can also include poor drainage systems, in-adequately trained lifeguards and scarcity/non- existence of the applicable safety paraphernalia to the list of contributing factor. These incidents however, usually result in a number of drowning.
Amusement and water parks liabilities are usually complex and involved; it must initially be determined under what category the injured may file a claim; whether it is a premises liability issue or product liability or tort liability (due to negligence) or simply a combination of all three.
The New York Personal Injury Attorneys’ at the Law Office of Aleksandr Vakarev Esq., have the experience and expertise to make that determination. They have successfully litigated many cases for victims of amusement and water park accidents.
If you or a loved one have been injured or killed due to the negligence of another, you may be entitled to monetary compensation for:
With the help of a dedicated and aggressive New York Personal Injury Attorney at the Law Office ofAleksandr Vakarev Esq., we will determine whether your personal injury case has merit.
Our personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis so you only pay a fee if we recover money for you. Contact our experienced Attorneys today at the Law Office of Aleksandr Vakarev Esq., for a free consultation at 718-839-6885.
Contact info here.
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